Content Marketing Tips for Startups

How to identify and write the perfect blog for your new startup?

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How to identify and write the perfect blog for your new startup?

What is a blog? A blog is a regular feature that appears as part of an online publication and includes articles and personal comments by one or more authors, usually relating to a specific theme. There are 69,12,000 blogs published every day. So what to do to catch people’s attention. Well like everything it’s good to have a plan and follow the plan. It is very important for a business to have blogs it will really help to market your website and help you connects with people.

Business blogs are a little bit different than normal blogs but they still follow some structure and rules of normal blogs. In a business blog, you more or less want to advertise your business. If you are a baker then you want to advertise your bakery and want people to buy your products. It’s a marketing strategy that aims to not only enlighten readers, but also to raise your organization’s exposure and, finally, to persuade them to buy your products or services. A business blog post can be short or large in length, but it is generally between 1,000 and 2,500 words long. It will largely focus on a single topic, such as ‘How to create excellent cakes,’ but may include connections to further information, goods, websites, and even other blogs.

So here are the steps you need to follow a perfect blog for your new startup.

Choose a topic

Well, first of all, you need to choose a topic that will complement your start-up and your knowledge. For the first blog write something that you have good knowledge of. For example, if you are a marketing agency then you can write about “10 tips to create a good social media account for your business”. 

It’s important for you to choose to write some professional words. You don’t need to overdo the professional words but enough to make sure that shows you understand the topic.

Search what words people are searching related to the topic

After selecting your topic, you need to search for what exactly people are searching for. It will help you with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You need to understand what words are people looking for related to your topic and what are their query is. A little bit of research will really help you to rank your blog at a higher position in search results. 

Here are some points to help you with research 

2.1 Begin by doing a Google search

When you start typing, Google’s autocompleting feature suggests common search terms. Use this to see what folks all over the globe are searching for. Then, to make your content more SEO-friendly, you may find the popular  around these keywords.

2.2 Make use of keyword research software   

A keyword research tool like Google Ads’ Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help you find more specific keyword phrases. These tools take the uncertainty out of keyword planning and allow you to confidently find the most popular topic. Some provide entirely free versions or free trials for a limited period.

Write an eye-catching title

Never underestimate the power of a good title. People will first look at your title then will consider if it’s worth reading in their precious time. The topic needs to consider what are people searching for related to your topic. Again S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization) is very important especially for a start-up. So it should be eye-catching related to the topic and need to work with SEO.

Here are some tips to write an eye-catching title

3.1 Ask a question and then give them the answer

People enjoy having their questions answered. They want to know the answer to a question, especially if it’s about something they’re interested in. Consider your target audience and the subjects or concerns they are interested in learning more about before posting the inquiry.

3.2 Fuse some SEO words casually 

You need to incorporate SEO word but not spam as it will not make any sense. When it comes to creating excellent blog post titles, SEO keywords are a digital writer’s best buddy and should never be overlooked. After all, that’s what the phrase SEO stands for search engine optimization. 

Again Google searches and Google Ad keyword planner will help you find the correct words to fuse with your title. Create concise headlines based on keywords. In order to understand how to write an SEO-friendly headline, you must first learn how to integrate natural keywords. Choose your keyword or phrase first, and then surround it with innovative, relevant wording.

3.3 Spark their curiosity 

You need to ignite their curiosity. If they are not interested then they will not click on your blog. It is simple as that. But it’s important to not make it to the Clickbaity title. People will think it’s one of those clickbaity titles that doesn’t answer the question. It’s important to deliver your promise. You need to satisfy and deliver what is your title promises.

  1. Write a good introduction 

After selecting a title now you will be writing a good introduction. You need to start strong and make sure that the introduction catches people’s attention. An easy tip for this is to tell an interesting fact about the topic. It will help you to catch the reader’s attention. After that write what is your topic and how will you answer their questions.

If the introduction is bad only a few people will read the whole blog. So it is important that those precious people who clicked on your blog will stick and read the whole blog. So catch their attention with a good introduction.

  1. Create an outline 

It’s important for organizing matters to create an outline. It will help you to not forget important points. It will also help you to not write it too much and help you remember all the subtopics and where they should be placed. It will help you to organize your blog when you start writing your blog. Or you have to edit and delete later which can be a headache. You can easily find outlines available for different types of blogs to help you. 

  1. Write the blog 

Yes, finally now we can start writing the main part of the blog. You’re ready to fill in the blanks now that you have your outline or template. As required, elaborate on all points using your outline as a reference. Write about what you currently know and, if required, perform more research to obtain additional information, examples, and statistics to back up your views, with correct attribution when using outside sources. When you’re doing so, make an effort to obtain factual and intriguing data to include in your post.

There are amazing tools that will also help you to correct your grammar and spelling like Grammarly. There are also tons of online dictionaries that will help you find the correct word and their synonyms. Thesaurus is one of the great examples of this. You can also get help from articles that will help you and give you tips about writing. It’s important for the first blog that you research about writing.  

  1. Add some images 

Add some images to your blog to make it more attractive. A picture that will help you convey your message. Sometimes a simple pic can convey a thousand words. So adding some pics it will help readers to be more engaged and understand the topic. Also, make sure to give credit to the original artist for their artwork. It’s very important to give credit or you can get a copyright strike and also it’s completely unethical to use someone’s pictures without giving them credit. So be a good person and don’t forget to add credits.

  1. Now edit it 

After writing the whole blog. You need to edit it yes even with the help of other applications and having an outline as a guide. It is still important to re-read the blog and then correct your mistakes. Proofreading is very important. After doing so much hard work you don’t want to make a simple mistake that can break your reader flow. So be smart re-read your blog and fix your mistakes. Make sure it doesn’t have any grammar and spelling mistakes.

  1. Use correct tags 

After completing the whole blog it’s important to provide tags. So that it will help you get more traffic. But don’t go overboard with tags. Add topic-related and main tags and don’t write tags that are not related just for getting more traffic. You need to get the correct audience. No more people who are not interested in that topic.

  1. Optimization 

Your blog doesn’t only get read by people on laptops or phones. So make sure that your blog is showcased perfectly on all devices. Try checking yourself from other devices. So that you can make sure your blog is optimized. 


Always keep in mind that the primary goal of your blog is to generate new leads and sales. While it is important to enlighten and amuse your audience, it is secondary to the goal of boosting your company’s exposure and sales. You may consistently build something that works for you and your clients by addressing both primary and secondary goals. A strong business blog may also improve your customers’ experience and be utilized to educate people about your goods as part of your knowledge base. So in the end focus on both goals and do your best to boost customer experience and also satisfy their curiosity. 

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